A review of the solid state SG-500 SmartPowerCube and SG-235 Tuner / Coupler                                                    

Last Update May 17, 2009

Low/High Speed 12 VDC Fans

Front View






ATTENTION: Automatic Band Switching:  I've just learned that Automatic Band Switching is not enabled on the U.S. Version but there is conflicting information that info is to enable 10 meter operation. Read each link:  - and -  FAQs:


Coming soon, a better rig to amp interface to help control the T/R relay  noise during SSB and CW modes.  The interface features switchless operation and a variable T/R hold time. I built this so that the relay hold time for each mode could be adjusted to suite the characteristics of CW and SSB.


The following is my opinion based on 8 years of ownership.  Please follow the instructions and cautions detailed in the SGC manuals.


A view of the business side of the amplifier shows the RF in and out, PTT cable from the H.F. transceiver, the 12VDC terminal block, LED status indicators, band indicator LEDS and control block.  The cooling fan connector for the optional cooling fan assembly is below the control block.  Pins 1 & 3 are +13.5, Pin 2 is controlled by a TIP120 and switches ground.


12/2008 A Sears Platinum AGM battery group 34 is now installed and working favorably.  The charge system using a 7 amp power supply regulated through a West Mount PG40S has been replaced with a Progressive Dynamics PD9260C 60 amp 13.6V RV charger with 4 stage charge cycle.  The PD is in parallel with the Sears Platinum AGM battery which makes for a simple system yet powerful current source for full power output from the SG-500 amplifier. 


Installing the amp is similar to most 2 meter power amp bricks with some exceptions, the size of the coax, DC cable and setting the option to activate the PTT TR relay, use the built-in RF sensing or the transceiver's amp relay.  I chose PTT relay operation and with the Kenwood TS450, use the Kenwood amplifier control cable product to connect to the SGC PTT . When the IC-706 is in use, an Ameritron relay amp model ARB-702, is installed for plug N play operation.  All cables are included with the Ameritron product and power is supplied by the transceiver. 


The FT1000 MKV Field PTT output works similar to the Kenwood TS-450 but the FT1000 T/R relay must be enabled which is done by sliding a very hard to access switch on the rear panel.  Ridiculous!  I still use RF sense PTT for SSB and CW on the SGC500 and find the relay delay to be acceptable.  I do use hardwired PTT for SSB more often to quiet the relay when there are pauses in speech.


SG-500 Power requirements are from 10VDC to 18VDC and from 40 amps for 500 watts PEP SSB to 90 amps for 500 watts CW per the front panel description.  The operating manual suggests an unregulated power supply.  If this is the case, a custom AC power supply can be constructed from modified surplus transformers, rectifiers and electrolytic.   Key-down, the output is 500 watts into a dummy load but the output is often set for 150 to 200 watts output on voice peaks as indicated on a Comet CMX-1 SWR bridge. 


The following information is from a battery manufacture for flooded lead acid batteries of the automotive type.  The information does NOT APPLY to Gell Cell or AGM battery technology.

Bulk Charge: 14.5 VDC

Float Charge: 13.39 VDC

Fully charged, charger removed 12.6 VDC

Discharged 11.89 VDC

Severely Discharged 10.5 VDC


Charging batteries to full capacity requires a 3 stage charger.  My first charger was a 10 amp Guest Charger.  Be careful ! Guest must be the worse charger possible for HF RFI since it generates terrible RF hash from it's switcher / chopper regulator and was replaced by a home brew  APCC PC UPS.  Over the years I have used linear charges from A&A Engineering of Anaheim California (See page7.html for their address) and a K5OOR modified charge controller in a home brew charger.  The primary power came from 5 amp bridge rectifiers or small DC power supplies.  The West Mountain Radio PG40S station charge controller worked very well but it has been replaced with a Progressive Dynamics 45 amp RV charger for a very fast recharge, rock solid voltage regulation and a rig friendly 13.6 VDC output.

(Old) Sears Group 27 Marine Battery replacedd with Sears Platinum AGM battery group 34

(Old) Mountain Radio Power Gate PG40S Replaced with a Progressive Dynamics PD9260C 60 amp 4 stage Charger, fantastic!

The photos show the flexible #6 marine quality DC cables, 100 amp marine fuse at the positive terminal and the smaller cables from the charger.  The plastic safety caps were lost during field day. Caution, make sure the cable lugs fit into the SGC DC terminal block and are the correct size for the wire.  Both parameters are necessary.  Have the marine supply store crimp the lugs onto the cable and crimp the opposite end for your power source.  Somehow I missed this service and had to use two soldering irons to solder and complete each connection.  Following that fiasco, I purchased a butane powered pen torch that produces more than enough heat to solder these heavy parts.  $40 but its is worth it and is completely portable.


Status LEDs display operating conditions but there doesn't seem to be an external cable connection to remote this display to the operating position, IE drivers seat.  Correction, SGC does have a remote control cable to extend the display LEDs to the operating position.  Call SGC for more information or see


Here is a description of the TEMP LED and fan operation and updates a previous paragraph on this page.  When the SG500 warms up, the TEMP LED will blink slowly and the TIP120 collector on terminal block J5 pin 2 is open, ground is floating.  When the TEMP LED is on steady, the TIP120 collector conducts at pin 2 to ground putting the fans to ground. 


A single PC cooling fan on the bottom of the SGC will keep it cool for a long time but I suggest you find the fan style that is just 1/2" thick which gives adequate clearance to the desk top and does not restrict the air flow.  I mounted 2 of these flat fans wired in parallel to the SGC cooling fins and provided a low / high speed circuit controlled by J5 pins 1,2 & 3 .  Only 1 part is required, a 20 ohm resistor.  I'll give you the details on request.


The PC cooling fans draw .19 amp @ 12VDC and have little effect on the large power source. Excellent fans can be ordered from PC Power and Cooling in San Diego or James Co, see the web for listings.



Mounting the fans to the cooling fins with a spot of  weather strip seal glue in each corner of the square fan.  A couple of 1/2" stick-on cable organizers from radio shack finished the project and gives a clean appearance. 

Fan Circuit Connections

Green Connector Block and Fan JP block below.  The black cable on the left connects to my homebrew adjustable time hold PPT amplifier interface. The currant limited resistors in the ground side of the circuit and connections to the Aux Fan JP control transistor output.  Red 12VDC to the fans and white (ground) to the collector.





SGC SGC235 500 Watt Auto Tuner Antenna Coupler

A short review of the SG-235 Automatic Antenna Coupler. Update: January 6, 2006

The following is my opinion based on 8 years of ownership.  Please follow the instructions and cautions detailed in the SGC manuals.


The SG-235 antenna coupler is the companion antenna tuner for the amplifier.  The amplifier operates into a 50 ohm load while the tuner will match antenna feed point impedance from a wide range of antenna configurations.  The SGC-235 operators manual describes a variety of land and marine mobile antennas.  Unlike conventional desktop antenna tuners, this tuner is made for operation at the antenna feed point such as at the base of a vertical, feed point of a long wire or dipole.  It's water proof and the 12VDC power can be fed through the coax with a few additional SGC options.   SGC advises shielding the tuner from direct sun and heat.  The manual shows a plastic bucket inverted over the SGC as a shield.


The tuner operates with little noise, seems very fast, matches long wires over 50 feet in length and even longer ground radials. 


CAUTIONS: The tuner is very RFI sensitive as either will fail to begin to tune or will drop out during SSB operation. Although the tuner is rated to run from 12VDC, I would encourage 13.5VDC. Read the following recommendations for reliable operation.  RESET is easy, simply remove DC and re-apply.


The SGC DC power injector blocks RF to pass DC power to the tuner through the coax.  Proper installation is with the DC connections to the outside or away from the ends of the RF coax.


On the average, the TUNED SWR is 1.2:1 or better, rarely higher.


Here are my recommendations for success with this tuner when using the 80 through 10 meter bands.  If 80 or 60 meters is not necessary, shorter radiator and ground plane wires are possible.


The radiator should be at least 50 feet #12 or larger stranded copper cable connected to the HOT output.  A larger diameter wire will lower the antenna Q and the feed point reactance.  A positive.  If possible, I would try copper tubing for the radiator.  Best results have been obtained using a 35 foot heavy duty AC extension cord.


A quarter wave counterpoise wire is only valid above ground.  When the wire touches the soil it is considerable shorter.  As an avid back packer, we use 31 feet for 40 & 60 meters.  the ground radial should be at least one length of #10 stranded copper cable connected directly to the SGC 235 large ground lug.  A second length of 31 feet is almost mandatory.  


Pull the SGC coax straight away from the tuner box, do not coil or wrap the coax or put coax near the tuner body such as is possible in a portable emergency setup.


Install 5 to 8 Amidon snap on type 31 ferrites around the coax/control cable about 2-3 feet AWAY from the tuner box. 


If the control box is removed, change the internal jumper J-2 to NOT tune from memory.  Another jumper on the main board labeled PTT can be changed per your preferences.


Note that the SGC500 amp should be disabled while tuning.  Sometime in the future this function will be automated but for now, the amplifier is switched OFF.


With these techniques, you will enjoy many hours of operation.


Other: If the SGC fails to begin tuning after about 5 seconds, remove the power to RESET and try again.


The SGC is a bit large to mount inside my VW Westphalia so an original flavor LDG Electronics tuner is used.


I wrote a large post about wire antennas on Yahoo Groups HFpack and encourage readers to read the first 4 chapters of the ARRL Antenna Handbook.  The handbook contains information that applies to multi-band wire antennas.  Topics about feed points, wire length, on the ground radials and elevated radials will improve SGC coupler performance.